The Connector object in the peer
package is used on the device that is to send the data, i.e. if you are using data from a phone to control a laptop, the phone is the connector.
Getting Started
To get started import the peer
package and initialise a new Connector
object, if you are hosting these on the same web app via a router place this under the /peer route if possible, if not make changes to the Host objects domain parameter
import { Connector } from "@espruino-tools/peer";
let p = new Connector();
Initialising for Data transfer
To initialise the data connection we do the following
import { Connector } from "@espruino-tools/peer";
let p = new Connector();
Sending Data
To easily send data from the connector device we can do the following.
import { Connector } from "@espruino-tools/peer";
let p = new Connector();
p.conn.send("my chosen data");
Initialising for Video transfer
To easily send video data from the connector device we can do the following, connectVideo takes 1 parameter which is the direction of camera chosen, by default this is "front" for front facing camera, but can also be "back" as shown below for use of the phones main camera
import { Host } from "@espruino-tools/peer";
let p = new Host("optional param for other device domain");